F3: Hip fracture care redesign in British Columbia: 3-year follow-up

Saturday, 26th August

The Hip Fracture Redesign Project set up the world’s first population-based registry that tracks patients through emergency, acute and rehabilitation phases of care. Its innovative component is capturing medical, patient and administrative reasons for timing of treatments. This session will provide critical data-driven evidence on the effectiveness of several models for organizing hip fracture care using the registry records from the 3-year active follow-up of 8000 patients after hip fractures.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize advantages of active data collection in assessment of patient outcomes

  • List medical, patient and administrative reasons for timing of surgery

  • Identify improvements in hip fracture care outcomes through active follow-up of patients in the post-discharge phase

Boris Sobolev, Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British