B6: Digital transformation of outpatient clinics: lessons learned from a Norwegian HIV clinic

Tuesday 16 May | 13:15-14:30

Format: Workshop
Stream: Person and Family Centred Care
Content filters: Includes examples of using technology to enable change; Co-presented with patients, service users or carers

There are few examples of how to include users in the design of digital pathways. This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn from a real-world example of involving patients living with HIV and health professionals in the design and implementation of a digital outpatient clinic. Delegates will be able to interact with one of the initiators (patient and co-researcher from a Hospital Trust in Southern Norway) and the research team (from the University of Agder) involved in the project. The project is funded by the Regional Research Fund Agder in Southern Norway (reference number ES700588-RFFAGDER).

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Apply a methodology for the co-creation of digital outpatient clinics with patients, health personnel, researchers and ICT developers

  • Identify enablers and barriers to developing digital outpatient clinics

Hege Mari Johnsen, University of Agder, Norway

Ellen Margrete Iveland Ersfjord, University of Agder, Norway

Kim Fangen, Sørlandet Hospital Trust and University of Agder, Norway

Anita Øgård-Repål, University of Agder, Norway

Santiago Gil Martinez, University of Agder, Norway