F2: Clinical Leadership and Health Systems improvement as a Manpower resource development intervention

Friday, 4th May

A highly interactive session, that will engage the participants in a reflective discourse on the importance of clinical leadership in resource limited environments. The presenters shall share how 10 years of dedicated manpower development through competency based medical education (CBME) and organizational leadership, significantly impacted the quality of health care delivery in Curacao as a model resource limited environment. Participants will get a first-hand experience of the strategic role of CBME in health care reform.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of effective communication in healthcare

  • Understand the Importance of collective Leadership and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare and its importance in different contexts

  • Understand the impact of cultural context in achieving effective care in resource limited environments

Jamiu Busari, Assoc Professor, Educational research and development dept. Faculty of Health, medicine and Life sciences, Maastricht University; Netherlands
Ashley J. Duits, Director, Red Cross Blood Bank Foundation, Curacao