D1: Improvement Collaboratives Led by Ministries of Health to achieve PEPFAR 90-90-90 targets: examples from Namibia and Zimbabwe

Friday, 4th May

HEALTHQUAL with Ministries of Health (MOH) in Namibia and Zimbabwe respectively have launched QI collaboratives to improve gaps in the HIV treatment cascade to achieve global 90-90-90 targets. HEALTHQUAL has uniquely adapted the IHI BTS model to embed this work within national MOH, which is also supported and co-led by local government (state/district). Each collaborative is led by MOH and layered onto existing structures, activities and programs, integrating into the public health portfolio of services.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how collaboratives can be embedded within existing public health national structures to achieve sustainability

  • Understand how collaboratives can be layered onto the foundation of existing capacity building activities and programs

  • Understand how learning and knowledge from the collaborative model can enable MOH to design, implement, spread and evaluate Collaboratives moving forward.

  • Understand how collaboratives can be deployed to address gaps in the HIV treatment cascade to achieve global 90-90-90 targets.

Bruce Agins, Director, HEALTHQUAL International
Apollo Basenero, Chief Medical Officer, Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services