Jessica Perlo

Director, Joy in Work, IHI; USA
Jessica Perlo is the Director of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Open School, a global interprofessional community that provides health students and professionals with the skills to become change agents in health care. Jessica holds a Bachelors in Science from the University of Vermont and a Masters in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health. She is trained in community organizing from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and facilitative leadership from the Interaction Institute for Social Change. For over ten years she’s worked in health professional program development and quality improvement at both Harvard’s Academic Medical Centers and at IHI. Jessica leads IHI’s effort to mobilize students to take action to improve the health of populations and achieve the Triple Aim. She is also a member of the Leadership Team of 100 Million Healthier Lives, a health equity social movement convened by IHI, and serves as the Director of IHI’s Joy in Work Portfolio.