Elaine Thumé

Professor at Federal University of Pelotas; Brazil
Elaine Thumé has a Bachelors in Nursing from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel -1986). She has also been Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at UFPel since 2002. She has a PhD in Epidemiology at UFPel (2010) with PhD at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2009-2010). Elaine is a Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, UFPel. Teacher in the Professional Master’s Degree in Family Health (PROFSAÚDE). CNPq scholarship holder (PQ2) and Coordinator of the SIGA-Bagé Study, elderly cohort in Bagé, RS. She is a Member of the research group AQUARES – Access and Quality in the Health Network and GEBEM – Brazilian Group of Studies on Multimorbity and a Member of the managing committee of the Research Network on Primary Health Care (ABRASCO). Her experience is in the management of the Unified Health System, and in undergraduate and postgraduate education with emphasis on women’s health, elderly population, and evaluation of public health policies.