C2: Building a national patient safety programme

Thursday 28 March
15:00 – 16:00 

Part A: Beyond Berwick: the Development of the Patient Safety Collaboratives in England

In 2014, NHS England established a new Patient Safety Collaborative Programme across England to spread best practice, build skills and capabilities in patient safety and improvement science and to focus on actions that can make the biggest difference to patients. Learn about the evolution of the largest safety initiative in the history of the NHS, the journey we have taken combining local challenges and connections with national ambitions to support patient safety across the system

After this session, participants will be able to:

1.Understand the history and evolution of the National Patient Safety collaborative programme
2. Describe the impacts and outcomes of the largest safety collaborative in the world
3. Gain an insight into some of the challenges and opportunities described in the setting up and future of this National Programme

Cheryl Crocker, Academic Health Science Network Chair for the Patient Safety Leads; England
Aidan Fowler, NHS National Director of Patient safety; England


Part B: “Strategic, Systemic and Integrated” The Scottish and Danish approach to patient safety

A relentless focus on the pursuit of safer care has been central to the work of Scotland and Denmark through the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) and the Danish Society for Patient Safety

This interactive session will explore the design, delivery, impact and learning from over 10 years of taking a quality improvement approach to transform outcomes not only for patients but the wider health and care systems of two nations

After this session, participants will be able to:

1. Describe the key factors and conditions (including consistent application of method, building of improvement capability, open and transparent use of qualitative and quantitative date to support a culture of safety and learning) that are required to achieve and sustain improvements in safety at scale
2. Apply the learning from two national safety programmes within the design of change ideas for their own context
3. Understand how improvements in safety impact on the broader domains of quality

Joanne Matthews, Head of Improvement Support and Scottish Patient Safety Programme(SPSP), Healthcare Improvement Scotland; Scotland

Vibeke Rischel, Head of Healthcare Improvement, Danish Society for Patient Safety; Denmark