E3: How to create healthcare that revolves around the patient, rather than the patient revolving around the system

Friday 29 March
13:15 – 14:30

Part A: Patient driven leadership: leading patient role in implementation of integrated birth care

Integrated care is promising for delivering professional care adjusted to the patients’ needs. In the Netherlands integrated birth care is designed by building a local network of caregivers around a patient. But where does the patients’ perspective fits in?

This session starts with sharing challenges caregivers, policymakers and patients face in implementing integrated birthcare in the Netherlands. Subsequently, we will exchange insights how incorporating patient feedback in a professional network can energize implementation of integrated birthcare.

After this session, participants will be able to:

1. Create a (local) integrated professional environment for learning, developing and adapting, driven from a patients perspective
2. Involve patients by forming a board of mothers / parents and put them in a leading role
3. Learn how the implementation process is enhanced by co-creation between professionals/stakeholders and patients

Uriëll Malanda, Senior Advisor, National Healthcare Institute of the Netherlands

Part B: Together for best possible health and equal care

Together for best possible health and equal care begins with a narrative about Britt-Marie, her family and their needs. The family´s needs are linked to the transformation we aim for. The purpose of the program is to increase value by transforming health care delivery closer to the inhabitants by transferring some care from hospitals to primary care, from primary care to home care and from care to health promotion efforts together with community actors and the residents themselves.

After this session, participants will be able to:

1. Gain a deeper understanding of system thinking importance in transformation
2. Develop concepts for transformation

Anette Nilsson, Development Strategist, Region Jönköping County, Sweden