A2: Let’s talk about power in patient partnership

Tuesday 21 June 2022 | 11:00-12:15

Format: Presentation
Stream: Person and Family-Centred Care
Content filters: Co-presented with patients, service users or carers

(Part A) Let’s talk about power – patients transforming healthcare in the UK and Sweden

It has long been said that: “Patients are the most under-utilised resource in healthcare”, but what does that really mean? In this session, we will present work done in the UK and Sweden on patient leadership. The presenters will talk about how active and engaged patients are transforming health, healthcare and research, and what we all need to do to support this paradigm shift.

Sara Riggare, Uppsala University; Sweden

Karin Althén, Independent peer patient improver; Sweden

David Gilbert, InHealth Associates; England

(Part B) Power: dynamic or dynamite in co-production

The relationship between caregivers and users is asymmetric. Power imbalances as well as caregivers’ attitudes and fear of losing power can hinder co-production and allow the asymmetric power relationship to persist.The underlying power imbalance needs to be addressed and challenged to create an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals and users. Power is seen as the possibility to influence.

This session focuses on psychological safety and power dynamics in co-produced improvement work. We will interactively introduce the use of the power triangle reflection model. The model, based on Franzén’s power triangle, is further developed from ESTHER improvement coaches’ perceptions in Sweden.

Nicoline Vackerberg, Region Jönköping; Sweden

Christina Wandt, Living Library Jönköping; Sweden