S6: Better together through community engagement and indigenous best practice

Thursday 7 November | 13:10-14:40

Session format: Presentation

Stream: People


Part 1: Deadly feet: a co-design process for the implementation of a multi-disciplinary outreach

Deadly Feet pivoted away from established western service structures to a culturally responsive model, by extending their codesign network beyond Queensland Health and prioritising community engagement. The programs design, implementation and evaluation were guided by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peers, organisations, and community – forming an expansive co-design network. Safe spaces for community interaction were provided by notable entities like Kurbingui, Buranga Widjung Justice Group, and Nalingu Respite Group.

Leveraging their established relationships, these organizations promoted Deadly Feet, facilitated introductions, and provided invaluable engagement opportunities. Collaborating with community groups fostered organic connections, enhanced approachability, accessibility, and extended outreach to individuals who might not otherwise engage with Deadly Feet.

Annie Redhead Metro North Hospital and Health Service; Australia
Ry Abel Metro North Hospital and Health Service; Australia


Part 2: Growing deadly families – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander maternity services strategy

The vision of the Growing Deadly Families Strategy is that all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander babies born in Queensland are born healthy into strong, resilient families. Our Growing Deadly Families midwives will describe how they are co-designing Maternity services in partnership with providers and community to ensure a culturally capable workforce that delivers woman-centred culturally safe comprehensive care.

Melina Connors and Sonita Guidice Queensland Health; Australia


Part 3: The development and implementation of a statewide patient escalation process, ‘Ryan’s rule  

A pioneering statewide patient escalation process that enhances safety and care quality in complex healthcare systems. This insightful session delves into the design, implementation, and evidence-based outcomes of this innovative approach.

Shaune Gifford and Christian Kennedy Queensland Department of Health; Australia