About the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Using our combined expertise and passion, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and BMJ Group bring you the largest international conference in Europe focused on improving outcomes for patients and communities through quality improvement.

The International Forum has a rich history of supporting and energising the international movement for health and care improvement.

From 300 people meeting in London in 1996 to over 5000 improvers attending the International Forum events every year, the conference is the place to hear and meet some of the world’s brightest minds and forge relationships that drive improvement and innovation in health and care across the world.

The International Forum in Utrecht will focus on the key themes in health and care in Europe, while bringing in perspectives and knowledge from around the world.

A global quality improvement community

Addressing the most urgent needs of health and care systems, the International Forum creates a platform for the quality improvement community to meet, exchange expertise and find solutions. By joining, you will:

  • Get re-energised, inspired and ready to tackle the challenges ahead of you
  • Embrace new ideas and perspectives to accelerate your progress
  • Get the latest research into quality and safety improvement
  • Gain practical knowledge on using improvement methods
  • Connect with like-minded colleagues to share experiences and improvement approaches, learn from innovative projects, and start collaborations


Be part of this collaborative community of international improvers – join ous in Utrecht next May.

What to expect in Utrecht 2025

Our programme theme in Utrecht will be From inspiration to impact: shaping the future of health and care.

Transforming health and care systems for a better tomorrow needs more than just great ideas. We need evidence-based plans for implementation, innovative ways of working within teams and complex systems, rigorous methodology and true collaboration between healthcare professionals and those in their communities. We invite you to join us in Utrecht where we will tackle the big questions in global health and care, and come up with solutions that have real-world impact.

See what you can expect in Utrecht:


Join a community of improvers at the largest conference of its kind in Europe

Display a poster in Utrecht - NOW OPEN UNTIL 11 NOVEMBER

The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare has a long history of invigorating the movement for patient safety and healthcare improvement. We do this by bringing in knowledge, ideas and expertise that inform quality projects and practice transformation, and by connecting health and care leaders, practitioners and people with lived experience who are passionate about improving outcomes.

The poster displays at the conference are another effective way to share the outcomes of improvement and safety projects, spread innovative approaches and strategies that can be adopted by others and develop connections.

And this year, we will have even more opportunities for poster authors to do just that plus spread the impact of their projects even more widely. Read about our new extended support to promote your project during and after the International Forum.

Submit to one of six topic streams and put a spotlight on your organisation’s work by displaying your poster in Utrecht.

Submissions deadline now extended to 11 November.

Dates for your diary

We will be making more information available about the conference, the programme and the activities that you can expect in Utrecht over the next few months. In the meantime, here are some dates to be aware of.

Call for Speakersnow closed

Call for Posters – now open until 11 November 2024

Registrationnow open (Early Bird closes 19 March 2025)

Programme launchexpected in late November 2024

Elevate your brand in Utrecht

We can help organisations place their brand on the centre stage. Get in touch with us to find out more!