S20: Populations

Friday 8 November | 13:05-14:35

Session format: Presentation

Stream: Populations

Part 1: Co-designing for impact – a forensic dive into community participatory methods

Research stakeholders are continually challenged by funding bodies to ensure Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI) is demonstrated throughout health research projects.

What are the successful principles and practices that truly make co-design|co-production a game changer for some and how do we garner these elements for maximum impact, when improving health outcomes is our end goal?

A consumer and researcher will co-share the results of a CCI forensic dive into digital health research projects taking place at Melbourne University’s Centre for Digitial Transformation of Health (CDTH), and will offer highlights from a co-designed|co-produced project that illustrate the success and impact on researchers and health consumers alike.

Leslie Arnott Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, Melbourne University; Australia


Part 2: Enhancing healthcare through collaborative digital platform education

Our presentation will explore the transformative potential of collaboratively developed digital platforms in healthcare education.

We will discuss the development and impact of OSPIA, a co-designed online platform fostering learning interactions between students and simulated patients (SPs).

By involving patients as key stakeholders in a collaborative process, we have created OSPIA to deliver personalized learning and feedback which bridges the gap between academia and real-world healthcare practices.

This topic is crucial for the International Forum program as it aligns with the imperative of encompassing patients in healthcare planning, while providing future healthcare staff with supportive environments to develop skills for the delivery of safe and compassionate care.

Silas Taylor UNSW Sydney; Australia