Simon Cooper

ACHS; Australia

Simon is the Manager of the ACHS Performance and Outcomes Service and has over 20 years’
experience public and not for profit healthcare sector. He currently leads the collection and
development of the longest continually running clinical indicator program to track patient centred
quality and performance metrics across health care institutions both domestically and internationally. He has been involved in the development of the inaugural sets for Cancer Care, Geriatric Care and
Ambulance Health Services and led the development of the last 5 years of national indicator reporting.

Simon possesses expertise in data analytics, data wrangling, quality improvement, patient outcomes and
safety culture. He worked across a wide range of healthcare organisations and specialties. His
achievements include national recognition of the outcomes of the Australasian Clinical Indicator Report,
developing a test for blood doping in elite athletes which was used at the Olympics, development of a
BioPen and BioInk for treatment of ocular disease, the implementation of bespoke healthcare software,
and quality improvement systems across a range of organisations.

He has a passion for finding insights through the use of datasets, disease surveillance, medical suitability
and statistical analysis.