Our recommendations for improvement leaders
Some of the programme will be of specific interest to those leading quality improvement (QI) at organisational, system or national level. They will tackle key challenges such as equity, as well as look deeper into new methodologies to support scale and the spread of change.
All sessions below are targeted at those with leadership roles in improvement and will include opportunities to meet practitioners from different types of organisations and countries across the world. Our recommendations include a mixture of workshop and lecture-based content.
Monday 15 May 2023
W1: Prepare for a world that’s rapidly changing: becoming a versatilist!
Join Helen Bevan and Göran Henriks for this must attend workshop helping to develop our new generation of versatilists and supporting leaders as they apply deep skills to assume new roles as change happens.
W6: Designing your management system to drive quality results with a whole system approach
Join Gary S. Kaplan and Wendy Korthuis-Smith from Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, and Amar Shah from East London NHS Foundation for this interactive session on integrating planning, improvement and accountability in daily work.
Tuesday 16 May 2023
A4: Silver radicals present 10 lessons from 20 years in QI and large scale change
Three of the pioneers in quality improvement and large-scale change give their insights from 20 years of experience in developing QI / operating large scale change programmes in three countries; UK, US and Sweden. These are practical lessons learnt the hard way not likely to feature in textbooks. Their farewell tour!
All change involves behaviour change. Improving quality and safety in healthcare is no different. Join Rie Laurine Rosenthal Johansen and Simon Tulloch in this engaging session as they share their experience of supplementing Improvement Science methods with frameworks and tools from behaviour insights.
B8: Changing the way we work is hard… how can we help people to do things differently?
All improvement involves change. This session will explore the different approaches to co-designing and communicating for change.
C1: Designing for Success, evaluating for learning and credibility
Improvement and implementation sciences offer complementary approaches to more effective program design and evaluation. Join Don Goldmann and Pierre Barker from IHI as they share their insight on how to collaborate better with designers, implementers and evaluators to maximise success.
Wednesday 17 May 2023
D3: How to get your quality improvement work published: insider advice from editors
Through lecture and small and large group discussion with members of our BMJ Quality and Safety team, this session will help participants to identify opportunities to publish QI work and increase the chances of publication.
L4: Showing effect of quality improvement using digitalized audit
Join Health and Care Administration of Copenhagen Municipality as they share their audit solution which automatically supports and strengthens the assessment and communication of effect on a decentralised level as well as centralised level.
E3: Developing a whole systems approach to integrated care
This session in three parts showcases different approaches to integrated care, from England, Australia and Wales.