Programme recommendations for those with experience in QI

For this year’s International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare Copenhagen 2023, we have put together a series of programme recommendations to help you get the most out of the content and activities that are on offer.



Our recommendations for those with experience in QI

There is a wealth of programme content for delegates with an understanding of quality improvement methodology who have also worked on or developed quality improvement projects in their organisation.

We have segmented our recommendations based on topic, but you can mix and match between them depending on your special areas of interest.

Our topic recommendations


Examine strategies and projects that strive to deliver more equitable healthcare

Monday 15 May 2023

This half day workshop explores the concept of health inequality, share insights in inequalities in quality of clinical care and provide inspiration for participants on how to identify health inequalities.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Join Wendy Korthuis-Smith and Alice Forsythe from Virginia Mason Institute as they discuss how to embed equity into leadership practices. Gain insight on how to engage and empower care teams and create safe environments for meaningful discussions around equity to drive equitable care.

Hear about the AMORE Collaborative project and test drive the newly developed AMORE Platform to help predict the impact of new health services using publicly available data.

Speakers from NHS England and East London NHS Foundation Trust lead this workshop on building infrastructure around improvement. They share insights from NHS England’s work with patients and stakeholders to co-design an NHS improvement approach that can be embedded across every level of the health service.

 Wednesday 17 May 2023

East London NHS Foundation Trust hosts this workshop where they will share how to support teams to use QI through a stepwise sequence of improvement to reduce equity gaps.

Join Cian Wade and Dr Aiden Fowler from NHS England as they explore the growing evidence for unequal experience of harm from healthcare and consider the steps stakeholders can take to reduce this unequal risk of harm.


Tuesday 16 May 2023

Soft skills are critical to engaging with both patients and staff. This two-part session from Scotland and Denmark will look at two different approaches, harnessing the power of soft skills, to improve engagement with patients.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Join Nigel Edwards, James Barlow and Paul Barach as they review the abundance of evidence that hospitals need to be planned as part of the wider system and contribute to improving efficiency and economic wellness.

Explore how the 7 tenets of stoicism have been used to improve leadership and results in this complex and uncertain world. Learn how to identify the tenets that resonate with your own leadership challenge so you can be better equipped to approach your daily challenges.

Join Helen Bevan and Christina Krause in this highly relevant and interactive session exploring organisational energy and practical strategies on recovery from events, re-designing how we work so we can better support our people to provide high quality care.



Explore how environmental sustainability is being pursued in health and care

Tuesday 16 May 2023

In this session, we will explore the connection between sustainability and healthcare, and how this is linked to quality and safety.

In this first presentation of this two-part session Jason Leitch and Stuart Duncan will share Scotland’s learning on how Quality Improvers can play a central role in achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions across their teams, organisations, systems and nations. Claire Morrison and Laura Wilson will then discuss the importance of making sustainable prescribing a high priority and how the key actions the world needs to make it a reality.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Suzie Bailey and Dr Bob Klaber lead this interactive session exploring how a focus on kindness is critical for leaders of teams, organisations and systems globally.



Tuesday 16 May 2023

Ian Leistikow hosts this three-part session exploring how to put patients and families at the heart of adverse event reviews.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

This three-part session will draw on work from England and Denmark that rethinks the response to patient safety incident response and shares learnings from patient and relative reported adverse events.

Join Kelly Bos and Maarten van der Laan as they explore the process of optimising learnings from a sentinel event, taking you through the different stages that will lead to quality improvement.



Monday 15 May 2023

This stimulating session from Healthcare Canada and Patient Safety Canada will question and discuss ‘how safe is your care?’ and share patients and care partners’ perspectives on the five dimensions of safety from the Framework.

This session will enable you to understand how NHS England has adapted and developed the IHI Breakthrough Series Improvement Collaborative Model to co-produce with people with lived experience and in response to the pandemic. NHS England have put those with lived experience explicitly at the heart of both the steering groups and the cohort project improvement teams throughout the pandemic.

In this two-part session you will hear insight from the Netherlands as they share their ‘Ask Us!’ method, an adoption of Experience-Based Co-Design for participatory quality improvement in supported independent living for people with intellectual disabilities or serious mental illness. Public Health Wales will showcase the holistic approach taken in Wales to introduce and embed patient report outcome and experience measures (PROMS and PREMS) in mental health and learning disability teams.

Join us for this two-part session, colleagues from Australia will share how an Australian not-for-profit hospital network approached implementation of patient engagement across its sites and services. Healthcare Excellence Canada’s presentation, prepared and delivering in partnerships with patients, will explore the question ‘are you safe of just lucky?’, rethinking their approach to patient safety through the Measuring and Monitoring of Safety Framework.

Why join us in Copenhagen?

As a more experienced improver, you may be faced with the challenges to address long-standing concerns about the way in which care processes and systems are delivered. You may also be looking to strengthen your leadership and improvement skills.

If you are passionate about improving outcomes for your patients and communities, join us in Copenhagen. You will have the chance to:

  • Get re-energised, inspired and ready to tackle the challenges ahead of you
  • Embrace new ideas and perspectives to accelerate your progress
  • Find routes to involve patients and families in patient safety and improvement, and develop your own core skills in co-production and whole system thinking
  • Get examples and advice of how to use data visualisation to effectively communicate information and make decisions
  • Hear insights about using QI to address complex problems
  • Connect with like-minded colleagues to exchange ideas and find a support network