Shin Ushiro

Professor, Kyushu University Hospital, Japan

Prof Shin Ushiro works as a deputy director of and divisional director of the Division of Patient
Safety in Kyushu University Hospital, Japan. At institutional level he has engaged in wide range of quality and safety initiatives such as incident reporting system, hospital accreditation, conflict mitigation through candid communication with patient and family. Dr. Ushiro also works in the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) which has project lines such as Hospital accreditation, National adverse event reporting and learning system, No-fault compensation system for cerebral palsy. JQ is an influential body over quality and safety improvement across healthcare sector in his country. As such, his activities extend to
a national level. Furthermore, at international level, he worked as a board member of ISQua (International
Society for Quality in Healthcare) during 2017-2024 which provides global opportunities of conference, education, external evaluation. He still works for ISQua as a member of Accreditation Council which is one of the most important committees in ISQua. In addition, he has been working as a steering committee member of the serial Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety. He also serves as a member of the G20 Patient Safety Leaders Group. Who is engaged in those activities which are valued opportunities for Dr
Ushiro to work with WHO.