Call for Posters

We invite you to share the oucomes of your work with a global community of healthcare improvers.

Submit to secure a poster by yourself or with your team, and join a diverse range of projects representing the best of quality improvement worldwide.

Call for Posters is now closed

The posters at the International Forum

Our poster displays are a valuable opportunity to tell colleagues and experts from across the world about your improvement and safety projects. These help other attendees learn from your strategies and experience.

Every year, at our International Forums across the world, we have hundreds of displays that demonstrate a wide range of improvement and safety projects implemented in local, national or global settings. These are available onsite and online for all attendees to view and learn from.

We encourage you to share your achievements and contribute with your work and ideas to improving healthcare worldwide.

Why should you display a poster in Hong Kong?

Securing a poster display offers you an opportunity to showcase your ideas, innovative approaches and strategies.

  • Showcase your achievements to key international opinion leaders and colleagues from around the world
  • Demonstrate ideas that work and can be adapted by others
  • Start conversations and collaborations with teams worldwide
  • Communicate your organisation’s work and share successes
  • Build your profile by displaying your work at a prestigious international event
  • Influence outcomes on a global scale

How will posters in Hong Kong be viewed?

All posters will be displayed as digital ePosters on screens at the venue, meaning you will be able to scroll through a gallery of visually stimulating quality and improvement articles, and view posters by topic, keywords and authors.  

All ePosters will also be made available via our online ePoster platform, accessible for all attendees before, during and after the conference.

See our ePoster FAQs here.

What other activities are taking place for poster presenters?

Oral presentations within our NEW ePoster Sessions

Poster authors will also have the opportunity to present their eposter project to peers during one of our ePoster Sessions. The eposter presentations will be 15-minutes and consist of a brief overview of each poster, by the author, followed by an interactive discussion. Each presentation will feature high impact abstracts within a specific topical area and will include a chair and the poster authors will be able to share their work and engage in discussions with the audience. The sessions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday as part of the main programme. Further information, including how to sign up and present, will be sent to all registered poster authors in due course.


NEW Online poster stage for online poster presenters

Online presenters will have the opportunity to present their ePoster to peers by submitting a 5-minute recorded presentation. This presentation will be displayed on the virtual platform on either Tuesday or Wednesday of the conference. Live Q&A chat with online attendees about your project will also be available.


Welcome and ePoster Drinks Reception 

Be ready to showcase your work to our attendees by standing next to the poster screens during the Monday evening drinks reception. You will be provided with a badge highlighting your role as poster presenter and your topic, to help facilitate discussions with your peers. 


NEW ePoster presenter meet up and orientation 

Join us on Monday evening to find out more about the eposters and activities taking place throughout the event, as well as an opportunity to connect with other eposter presenters within your submission topic. 

You can read our ePoster FAQs here.

The ePoster topics

The programme theme in Hong Kong will be A sustainable healthcare horizon: refocus, reenergize, reconnect.

We will bring together healthcare professionals, patients, and stakeholders to explore practical solutions that prioritise the wellbeing of individuals, the planet, and healthcare systems. Being part of this conference will be an opportunity to refocus, regroup, and reconnect through a forward-thinking approach to ensure we are achieving greater impact together.

In Hong Kong, our programme and posters will be structured around five content streams. As such, we would like to hear about projects and initiatives that show impactful results under these streams.


Understanding human factors, systems thinking, implementation methodologies and processes for digital and physical systems. Presentations in this stream will look at:

  • Systems and challenges
  • QI and safety across borders
  • Approaches to Certification, Licensing, and Regulation
  • Learnings from international care models and other industries



Encompassing patients and citizens into our planning, prioritisation, and decision making is essential, as is providing healthcare staff with a positive environment to deliver compassionate and kind healthcare, this includes (but is not limited to):

  • Empowering Individuals in their health journey
  • Value-based care / Co-Design, Co-production
  • Workforce, wellbeing and culture
  • Private with public partnership potential
  • Co-creating the power of patient experiences



The integration and collaboration of traditional hospital delivery, primary care, social care, and education is fundamental for delivering healthcare to populations and preventing illness and harm. Serving vulnerable and underserved populations is a key aspect of this approach and will consider:

  • Universal health – Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Equity in healthcare provision
  • An Aging population



Understanding change and improvement in complex systems, behaviour change, organisational change. This session will focus on:

  • Utilising technology for better patient outcomes: Digital healthcare, innovation, disruption, IoM
  • Sustainable healthcare – economical and environmental
  • Culture, systems and science – navigating towards inclusive care



In order to explore effective leadership in the modern era of healthcare, leaders must navigate complex challenges and promote progress across multiple dimensions, including patient outcomes, population health, sustainability, cost, and staff well-being. Presentations in this session will aim to discuss:

  • Leadership strategies for embedding healthcare innovation
  • Preparedness and resilience
  • Approaches to workforce, wellbeing and culture
  • Staff engagement and belonging

Notifying you

All ePoster submissions’ results and next steps will be sent out in May 2024. 

Please note that the email address that you supply on the Submitter Details page when submitting your abstracts will be the email address used to correspond the results of your submission. If you change email addresses during this time, please let us know so we can update our system.

You can read our ePoster FAQs here.