Brian Daniels

Brian Daniels, Pluto Play Productions

Chief Executive, Pluto Play Productions; England

Brian Daniels founded Pluto Play Productions as a charity in 1997. He has extensive experience as an Artistic Director in London theatres, including the New End Theatre, Hampstead where he produced more than 200 new plays, musicals and cultural events. Since 2011, he has been writing and staging plays on issues around medical, health and social care and society, inspired by true stories, that have been performed across the UK in venues such as hospitals, hospices, art centres, theatres and at conferences. He has received national awards from the UK Patient Experience Network for three plays and an award from the UK Health Service Journal. He is currently an Ambassador for Doctors in Distress, a UK charity offering advice and help to those working in the medical profession, particularly doctors, who may be suffering extreme stress and/or burn out. Brian wrote a play highlighting this called ‘Beneath The White Coat.’