Christian Subbe

Christian Subbe, NHS Wales

Consultant Physician, NHS Wales; Wales

CPS is a Consultant Physician working in Acute Medicine and lecturing at Bangor University. He studied in Germany. He holds an MD in Respiratory Pathophysiology. He trained in England, Germany and Wales and complemented this with work for Médecins Sans Frontières in Angola and fellowships in France and the US. His group published in 2001 one of the globally most influential papers in patient safety on Early Warning Scores (>1000 citations). His research interest remains safety of the deteriorating patient in acute care with over 100 peer reviewed publications. He has lead development of national and international guidelines in the field of patient safety. He has recently completed a Fellowship and PhD in Improvement Science with the Health Foundation and Bangor University to develop the contribution of patients to their own safety while in hospital. He hosts an annual meeting of leading Improvement Scientists from across Europe.