M2: Beyond incremental improvement: what do we need to deliver deep, systemic change in healthcare?

Wednesday 21 May 2025 | 09:30-16:30

Format: Full day workshop

Stream: Change

Content filters: Recommended for those new to quality improvement; Recommended for those working at system level in QI

In this highly interactive workshop, we will explore how we move beyond incremental improvement to a more radical kind of change. It is based on different change methods and models of care, with high involvement and high participation approaches and changing  the dynamic between professionals and people who use services. In this highly interactive session, we will undertake a process of collective inquiry: we will learn from change practitioners from across the globe who will present their practical learning. We will then engage the whole room through  “catalyst conversations”. We will seek to utilise the wisdom of the room to further develop radical change methods that can be tested in practice.

As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the thinking, behaviours and practices of leaders who deliver big change

  • Be part of a unique collective learning system to distil practical wisdom for large scale change

  • Take home tacit and explicit knowledge, models, approaches and frameworks for change

  • Take inspiration and ambition from other change leaders

Led by:
Helen Bevan Warwick Business School & NHS Horizons, and Göran Henriks Region Jönköping.

Accelerating the pace of healthcare system transformation in the Netherlands by combining top-down and bottom up approaches

Healthcare transformation is a significant national challenge. Often, these transformations begin bottom-up. However, certain challenges cannot be addressed by individual players alone and require top-down decision-making. In this lecture, we will demonstrate how the Netherlands has been advancing healthcare transformation since 2017 by integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Matthijs van der Linde National Health Care Institute; Netherlands

Willem Jan Bos Leiden University Medical Center; Netherlands

From inspiration to impact: Using liberating structures in health and care to transform patient outcomes and team dynamics

We will explore the transformative power of Liberating Structures—simple yet effective facilitation techniques that enhance collaboration and innovation in healthcare settings. Aligning with the conference theme, “From Inspiration to Impact: Shaping the Future of Health and Care,” participants will learn how to use these structures to engage teams, streamline communication, and foster a culture of inclusivity. By shifting the focus from traditional hierarchical approaches to more participatory methods, health and care professionals can unlock creativity and drive meaningful change.

Zoe Lord NHS Horizons; England


Getting on the same page about learning health systems: experiences of a hospital working towards a shared mental model

Our hospital articulated a strategic objective of becoming a learning health system (LHS). The resulting proliferation of new initiatives, and reframing of existing initiatives, were underpinned by various beliefs or “mental models” about what it means to be an LHS. Without a shared vision, it was difficult to determine which initiatives fell within the scope of an LHS and to gauge progress towards this objective. In this session we share findings from a case description study scanning LHS activities within the hospital. Participants will leave with a deepened understanding of this rich concept, and the importance of “shared mental models” within an LHS transformation.

Cara Evans Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and the University of Toronto; Canada

Andrea Waddell Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and the University of Toronto; Canada


How to build a culture of continuous improvement at scale: Lessons from the BOOST learning and improvement community

This session will provide the audience with a unique vignette of a successful and developing learning and improvement community at the whole system healthcare level. It will delve into the development of the BOOST initiative (Boost.org.uk) and share how it went from a lightbulb moment to an 8000 strong community of improvers across the largest, most challenged healthcare system in England. It will highlight the unique opportunities that are achieved when an entire healthcare system creates a community of learning.

Kathryn Grayling North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board; England

Jacqueline Myer North East & North Cumbria Integrated Care Board; England


Combining design and change methodologies in navigating the reorientation of the Irish health system to deliver integrated care

Today’s healthcare demands are growing and our population profiles and needs are changing. The Republic of Ireland is no different to its global community. Its political system came together to focus Health care policy and expenditure to support a population based integrated service delivery model. This focus has driven the need to change how we organise and deliver services. The frameworks used to enable this transformation are underpinned by evidence based change & design approaches; People’s Needs Defining Change- Health Services Change Guide (2018, 2023); Design Principles for Government in Ireland and aligned with IFIC Principles of Integrated Care. The interactive session will share the key milestones achieved and lessons learned in this transformation journey. From the defining stage to the delivering the change, we will share key development opportunities provided, engagement and communication strategies and the complex system convening milestones in this journey.

Marie O’Haire HSE Ireland; Ireland

Nuala Scannell HSE Ireland; Ireland