Ralph So

Ralf So, Albert Schweitzer Hospital

Consultant, Intensive Care, Albert Schweitzer Hospital; Netherlands

Ralph is a practicing consultant intensive care since 2002 at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital, a large non-university hospital in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. During his time in the Medical Board (2005-2012) he became interested in (the organization of) quality and safety in (hospital)care. Since 2009 he is medical chief quality officer of the department of Quality, Safety & Innovation. Furthermore, he is co-founder (2013) and chair (2017- now) of the National Platform of Medical Patient Safety Officers of the Dutch Association of Medical Specialists (FMS). In 2019 he finished his Master of Health Care Delivery Science (https://mhcds.dartmouth.edu/) at Dartmouth College, Hanover (NH), USA. Since 2019 he is a lecturer on Quality & Safety at the TIAS Business School, Utrecht. He is also co-founder (2021) of the Society of Personalized Care (https://www.gepersonaliseerdezorg.org/).