A10: How to effectively use a PDSA cycle for sustainable improvement
Thursday 22 May 2025 | 11:00-12:15
Format: Workshop
Stream: Foundations
Content filters: Recommended for those new to quality improvement
The PDSA cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act) is a framework for testing and implementing changes in healthcare processes. It is the bedrock of many quality improvement initiatives, but all too often used in isolation the PDSA method can lead to projects being reduced in scope with limited impact, longevity and scalability.
In this interactive workshop we will get back to basics on the power of the PDSA method when used correctly, and how it must be integrated into wider QI tools and methodology to ensure your projects have real world impact for patients and communities at scale.
Karen Turner Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust; England
Tricia Bolender Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); USA