M7: A cross-cultural perspective on justice after harm: What does it mean, for whom, and whose needs are being met?

Wednesday 21 May 2025 | 13:30-16:30

Format: Half-day workshop

Stream: Safety

Content filters: n/a

Chair: Maja Troj Larsen Student in Quality and Safety; Denmark

In this session, we will take a cross-cultural look at what justice means, and for whom, across our international data sets relating to patient safety incidents and subsequent responses. These data take account of harm relating to mental and physical health care settings, across the UK, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Australia. Delegates should attend to gain a clearer understanding of the need to think about justice and how injustice is experienced across any different perspectives – patients, care partners, healthcare staff and healthcare organizations. We will then explore the convergence and divergence in these perspectives of justice, both in relation to case studies from our own data sets and delegates own experiences, and consider how and in what ways these might be reconciled.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Gain a clearer understanding of what (in)justice means and for whom, following patient safety incidents

  • Acknowledge whose justice needs are being met in response to patient safety incidents

  • Consider if the justice needs from all perspectives can ever be truly reconciled

Jane O’Hara THIS Institute; England

Jo Wailling Victoria University of Wellington; New Zealand

Kathryn Turner Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital; Australia

Lauren Ramsey Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration (YH PSRC); England

Siri Wiig SHARE-Center for Resilience in Healthcare; Norway