Bharathy Kumaravel

Bharathy Kumaravel, Leicestershire County Council Public Health

Associate Professor in Public Health, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, University
of Leicester, Leicestershire County Council; England

Dr Bharathy Kumaravel is an Associate Professor in Public Health in the University of Leicester and a Consultant in Public Health Medicine with Leicestershire County Council, UK. She obtained her MBBS at the University of Madras, India, and holds an MHSc in Community Health and Epidemiology from the University of Toronto, Canada, and a PhD in Medical Education from the University of Leicester, UK. She is the co-chair of Public Health Educators in Medical Schools, a SIG within the Faculty of Public Health. Her clinical work focuses on designing and leading public health interventions around health nequalities and vulnerable communities, health protection, and preventative medicine including screening. She is passionate about clinically integrating Public Health, particularly in relation to health inequalities, into medical education. She has also worked extensively with NHS England to integrate Generalism into postgraduate medical training, so tomorrow’s doctors can understand the health and social care needs of the most vulnerable.