F5: How to successfully scale improvement work: improving therapeutic engagement and observations across an entire Trust

Friday 23 May 2025 | 14:15-15:15

Format: Presentation

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Learning from good practice and scaling interventions that have been seen to work in other contexts is a significant challenge for QI in healthcare. In 2022 East London NHS Foundation Trust faced several serious incidents that were in part attributed to poor practices in observations and therapeutic engagement on inpatient mental health wards.

To address this, a trust-wide improvement program launched, involving all 54 wards, with the aim of using the IHI framework for scale up and spread to help rapidly test and scale ideas across the organisation. Several results were seen across the organisation, including reductions in incidents of violence and aggression, reductions in the use of restrictive practice and reductions in staff sickness.

This session will tell the journey of using the IHI framework for scale up and spread across an organisation, the key results that were achieved and some of the practical steps others may need to consider in undertaking similar work.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the steps involved in scaling interventions across an organisation using QI

  • Understand how to apply the IHI framework for scale and spread to solve wicked problems in healthcare

  • Learn about some potential interventions to improve therapeutic engagement and observations on mental health inpatient wards

Amar Shah East London Foundation NHS Trust and NHS England; England

Marco Aurelio East London NHS Foundation Trust; England

Sasha Singh East London NHS Foundation Trust; England