C3: 28 regional hospitals (SAZ: association of general hospitals) working together on patient safety. Experience the power to improve together

Thursday 22 May 2025 | 15:00-16:00

Format: Workshop 

Stream: Populations

Content filters: Recommended for those working at system level in QI


Healthcare professionals of 28 regional hospitals in the Netherlands, united in a Dutch Association of
general hospitals, work together on patient safety. On a regular basis, they share knowledge, best
practices and challenges and learn with and from each other. Topics to discuss are for example
approach of incident investigation, approach of Safety II and Restorative Just Culture. These topics
are being discussed in 2 hour live sessions, 4 times a year. In the meantime hospitals are able to have
low profile contact to ask each other questions or ask for advice in possible calamities.

In 2021, the 28 SAZ hospitals collaborated with Nivel (The Netherlands Institute for Health Services
Research) and shared all their incident reports to do a cross hospital study on incident reports.

In 2024, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (Nivel), Medirisk (a Dutch mutual
insurance company), and 28 hospitals collaborated on a study aimed at improving the implementation
of Safety II principles in hospitals. This effort led to the development of the ‘Safety II Reflection Cards’:
an easy tool to learn multidisciplinary from complex daily practice. This allows healthcare providers
and other employees to reflect on their daily work and their ability to respond to (un)expected events
through targeted questions.

During this workshop, we will not only focus on the importance and impact of collaborating within a
network to enhance patient safety, but also on how to implement in daily practice. The findings of the
2024 research will be presented and discussed, followed by an introduction to the Safety II Reflection
Cards, providing participants with practical guidance on how to integrate them into their own

After this session, participants:

  • Experience the power to improve together: will understand more about learning from and with
    each other on patient safety.

  • Gain an introduction to using the Safety II Reflection Cards.

  • Will get the message: Do not reinvent the wheel yourself, but work together and learn from
    each other.

Joyce Bakker Association of General Hospitals; Netherlands

Caroline Schlinkert Nivel; Netherlands 

Ilse van Woudenberg Association of General Hospitals; Netherlands