F8: What is our vision for the involvement of people with lived experience and communities at the International Forum?

Friday 23 May 2025 | 14:15-15:15

Format: Workshop


Content filters:  Co-presented with patients, service users or carers

How and why should patients always be present and deliver at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare? 

Year in year out we are told patients must be present and deliver at this Forum and others. But the nature of such participation changes with every conference, and its importance has never been properly established. 

This session will be completely interactive, trying to ascertain from you, the attendees, what you think works. In small groups you will discuss what components of patient participation should always be there and what ways its impact can be measured, both short and long-term.  

 We’ll ask you to consider: 

  1.  What components should always be part of patient representation at the Forum, and why do these components matter? 

  2. What is the potential short and long-term impact of having patients integrated into the Forum?

  3. As this session comes at the end of the Forum, we’ll also ask you to reflect on how you experienced patient involvement at this year’s conference.

After this session, you can know that:  

  1. You’ve helped add new perspectives to a major element of the Forum.

  2. Your voices will be heard going forward in future planning of this Forum.

  3. Such exchanges of opinions and practice could contribute to how you view working with patients and the public in your own practice.


Jean Straus Patient Advocate; England

Sandra Jayacodi Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Contributor; England

Emma Tonner Leeds Teaching Hospital; England

Katrine Kirk Danish Society for Patient Safety; Denmark

Gabrielle Mathews North Central London; England

Emma Doble BMJ and Chair, England