Selina Stephen


Director for International Forums, IHI; USA

Selina has a background in quality improvement, with a special interest in the human side of change and how we communicate to help people make sustainable change.

Selina currently has 3 roles:

Director for International Forums, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

IHI runs up to 6 Forums outside the US each year in Europe, Africa, Australasia, Latin America and the Middle East. Selina is responsible for the planning, organisation and promotion of International Forums, with a strong focus on delegate experience, learning together with nurturing IHI’s global community.

Founder and Director, Torchbearing Ltd:

Torchbearing Ltd offers a bespoke presentation design service that uses cognitive psychology, storytelling, visuals and structure to add power to the speaker’s key messages, ultimately ‘Making Presentations Memorable’ to the audience.

Selina teaches and writes for a range of clients such as The King’s Fund, The Health Foundation, The British Medical Journal, The International Federation of Red Cross, The Danish Society for Patient Safety, The Clinical Excellence Commission for New South Wales, as well as private sector businesses and individuals.

Improvement Advisor, Scottish Government:

Since 2003, Selina has worked in healthcare improvement, in Quality Improvement Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and latterly within Scottish Government in the Leading Improvement Team and for the Scottish Government’s National Clinical Director.