V5: Improving work processes with Relational Coordination: Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell, in conversation with Helen Bevan and Göran Henriks
Friday 23 May | 13:00 – 13:45
Format: Discussion to be recorded in the TV studio onsite
Stream: Change
Content filters: Recommended for those new to quality improvement; Recommended for those working at system level in QI
As we strive to make healthcare processes more effective, productive and joined up, we often fail to focus enough on the importance of the relationships along and within the process. These relationships are crucial to task integration and better outcomes. Join us for a conversation with Jody Hoffer Gittell, the originator of Relational Coordination, an empirically validated framework that is being used in healthcare systems globally to assess and improve the relational core that determines the success of every work process. In this insightful discussion, we will delve into the transformative power of the relationships which is at the heart of healthcare improvement, emphasising how shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual respect contribute to effective teamwork and organisational success.
As a result of this session, participants will be able to:
- Define the principles of Relational Coordination and understand how it contributes to healthcare improvement
- Gain actionable insights including ideas for enhancing communication, building strong relationships and creating a culture of collaboration.
- Explore practical application of these powerful methods to enhance existing improvement skills
Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell Brandeis University; USA
In conversation with:
Helen Bevan Warwick Business School & NHS Horizons; England
Göran Henriks The Qulturum in the County Council of Jönköping; Sweden