D5: Lived experience as the foundation for change

Friday 23 May 2025 | 10:45-11:45

Format: In the Round

Stream: Change

Content filters: Recommended for those new to quality improvement; Co-presented with patients, service users or carers

Session chair: Esther Greaney Lived Experience and Communities Panel; England

PART ONE: Everyone deserves a true critical friend – a practical case study on including patient, family and caregivers in developing quality of healthcare

Quality of (mental) healthcare is a complex and multi-layered concept. True quality is found in the health of the patient, in the experience of the patient/family/healthcare worker, AND what is constructed in the relation between these three perspectives. Inspired by their own experiences and recent literature on quality of health(care) and a more narrative approach, a coalition of psychiatric hospitals, a general hospital and youth services took a different approach to quality of healthcare. This coalition started in 2019. In 2023 we published our research and methods in the book ‘HoeZo Zorg’. since 2021 we will share our process, results, experiences and struggles with the Flemish and Dutch health(care) community and develop our concepts further with the feedback of our peers. We look forward to sharing our research with the international community at Utrecht and connecting with others. Our work has shown to empower, connect people and inspire all healthcare settings. 

In this session, participants will:

  • Gain a general idea on a more narrative, multi-perspective and reflexive approach to quality management in healthcare

  • Take home inspiration from several practices where these thoughts are applied in different organizations 

  • Have knowledge of several methods on how to create dialogue on quality

Jesse Verleije Academic Psychiatric Centre Duffel; Belgium

Mariska Vaes Bethanië GGZ; Belgium

PART TWO: Towards co-produced healthcare: Connecting the multidimensional model with practical insights

Quality in healthcare has been elusive and the approaches in the past have focused on setting standards and improving the reliability of processes within the complex systems of healthcare. While there has been success we still face a disintegrated system. This sessions gives an introduction of the multidimensional model that provides a framework incorporating values within the domains of quality in which person or kin centred care surrounds every domain. The implementation of the model requires sharing of power and coproduction of health rather than the management of disease. In Region Jönköping a local improvement work has identified important learnings towards more coproduced healthcare. In this interactive session we connect the multidimensional model with insights from national and regional perspectives illustrated with patient stories.

In this session, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze and discuss the multidimensional quality model

  • Discuss practical applications of the model with inspiration from the Swedish case

  • Model and a tool to apply and adopt in their own context

Peter Lachman Irish Health Service; Ireland

Anette Nilsson Region Jönköping; Sweden