Adam Sewell-Jones

Adam Sewell-Jone

Chief Executive, North and East Hertfordshire NHS Trust; England

Working in the NHS since 1992, Adam is passionate about continuously improving services for patients. Having joined as a trainee accountant, he qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant, holding several finance and operational management roles in trusts, At Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust he held the positions of Director of Finance and Continuous Improvement, Chief Operating Officer, and Deputy Chief Executive. 

Adam also held national leadership roles as Director of Provider Sustainability, Director of Improvement and Regional Director for the South West of England. In these roles he led numerous national programmes including the Virginia Mason NHS partnership, the Culture and Leadership programme, Vital
Signs, and the Aspiring CEO programme, as well as national policies for improvement and leadership development.

Prior to joining the Trust Adam was the Chief Executive of Newham Hospital in East London. He remains a faculty member of the Good Governance Institute