Anja Ros
Patient Advisory Counsil Health Academy Radboud University Medical Center
Anja Ros, trained as a physiotherapist completed the management training for healthcare and welfare. In 2001, I was confronted with a cancer diagnosis and became an expert by experience in the role of a patient.
Since 2015, I have been part of the Patient Advisory Counsil of the Radboud Health Academy. This PAC RHA uses experiential knowledge to add the patient perspective to education and training programs.
A healthcare provider often has a technical story: this is the problem and this is how we are going to solve it. Patients have more on their minds; they experience fear and uncertainty. “What are the consequences of treatments?”The doctor should ask: “What do I need to know about you to choose the care that fits your life together with you?” Listening to the personal life of the patient is key in the patient’s health journey. Who is the person behind the patient? “What does this condition mean for my life?”