Rachel Rajadurai

Rachel Rajadurai, West Midlands Deanery

West Midlands Deanery; England

Rachel Anjali Rajadurai is a medical registrar in the West Midlands Deanery, United Kingdom having completed her internal medicine training this year.

As an undergraduate she was awarded the Linnaeus-Palme scholarship which enabled her to study healthcare delivery models in the Karolinska Institute, Sweden and University of Florence, Italy as part of her course of study in healthcare management.

During her Foundation Programme, she was appointed an Innovation Fellow in the Severn Deanery and founded a trust-wide Junior Doctors Ethics Forum as a peer – led educational quality improvement project and has presented this nationally recognised project at international QI (BMJ Health and Safety, AAME) and Education conferences (ASME and RCP Medicine Conference) .

Rachel’s academic interest in healthcare management, particularly focusing on transformational leadership driving change led her to complete a Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership and Management at Keele University during her IMT training.

She also completed the FMLM National Medical Director’s Fellowship at NHS England working within the Medical Directorate and is currently working alongside colleagues at NHS WTE directorate as a Clinical Policy Fellow to formulate a strategy for Locally Employed Doctors in the NHS.

She is a trainee representative of the MRCP UK Management and Leadership Board and a member of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management’s Trainee Steering Group.