Royal Jaarbeurs

Jaarbeursplein 6
3521 AL Utrecht
The Netherlands

  • What will be the format of the International Forum Utrecht 2025?

    We will be in Utrecht for a three-day in-person conference from 21-23 May 2025.

    We will also be offering some of the conference content virtually for those who can’t join us in person.

  • How to I get to the conference venue?

    You can visit Royal Jaarbeurs in Utrecht in several ways. The easiest and most sustainable option is to come by public transport or bicycle.

    There are train, bus and streetcar stops near Royal Jaarbeurs.

    You could also park at the venue or use one of the few other nearby parking options.

    For more detailed information on how to get to Royal Jaarbeurs, see here.

  • Will I receive a certificate of attendance?

    Yes, all delegates will automatically receive a general certificate of attendance-which will be emailed to you within 2 weeks after the event. If you require a CPD certificate, you can indicate this onsite by signing the accreditation registers which will be displayed near the registration desk.

  • Can I speak at the International Forum?

    Our Call for Speakers is open until 29 July. We welcome applications from across the healthcare sector and beyond, including non-clinicians, patients and carers, voluntary/social sector employees, students and first-time presenters. For more information on what we are looking for and how to submit, see our Call for Speakers page.

  • Where will I find further information on posters?

    Call for Posters will open in late July. We will make more information available closer to the time.

  • When will you launch the programme?

    The programme is expected in November 2024.