Poster FAQ – International Forum Utrecht 2025

  • Can my abstract for poster display be written on any topic?

    We have six topics that you can submit to. You will be asked to choose which topic you are submitting your abstract to during the submission process. Please make sure that your abstract matches the topic you are submitting to. A list of topics can be found on this page.

  • Do I have to pay to display my poster?

    Yes. In order to display your poster in person at the International Forum, you must register and pay the full fee for the two main conference days (Thursday 22 – Friday 23 May 2025). Please note there are no one-day registration options for poster authors. 

    To attend online and display your poster virtually, you will be able to register for your online place when registration opens in late 2024. 

    The deadline for all poster authors to register and pay to attend the International Forum is 9 April 2025. If you do not register and pay by this date we will regretfully assume your circumstances have changed and you no longer wish to display your work.

  • How will my poster be displayed onsite?

    Traditional poster boards – Poster authors attending the International Forum in person will be invited to display their poster in a traditional printed format and display it on a poster board, organised by topic. More details will be provided when the poster results are sent in November 2024. Please note that this option is not available for online attendees.

    ePostersAll poster authors will also be invited to create a digital ePoster which will be made available on our online ePoster platform, accessible for all attendees before, during and after the conference. The platform is searchable by topics, author or keywords.

  • When will my poster be viewed?

    Poster authors who have registered for the in-person conference will be able to display their poster on our traditional printed poster boards at the conference. They will also be asked to create a digital ePoster to be displayed on our ePoster platform. 

    Poser authors attending online will be able to display a digital ePoster on our poster platform. 

    The poster platform will be available to all attendees (in-person and online) and can be accessed before, during and after the conference. 

  • Will I have the opportunity to present my poster?

    Poster authors attending in-person will have the opportunity to present their posters to peers on one of our poster stages and during our poster walkarounds. 

    The Poster Stage allows you to discuss your work with fellow delegates during a 5-minute allocated slot. If you would like to present on the Poster Stage, you will have the opportunity to sign-up before the conference. Further information, including how to present, will be sent to all registered poster authors in due course.

    Poster authors attending online will also be able to present their poster to peers by submitting a 5-minute recorded presentation. This presentation will be displayed on the virtual platform on either Thursday or Friday of the conference. Live Q&A chat with online attendees about your project will also be available.

  • What should I do if I am unable to display my poster myself in person?

    If you cannot bring your poster in person, consider whether you are able to attend online first. If you are sending a colleague to Utrecht to bring your poster instead of you, you must inform us by email at This will ensure that we have a space for the poster display. Please include the full abstract title and the name, email address and organisation for your replacement author. Please note that your replacement author cannot be already bringing a poster of their own. We have a strict policy of one poster display per author.

  • What size/orientation should my poster be? Are there any guidelines I should follow?

    All poster guidelines will be shared with poster authors who have registered by the deadline on 9 April 2025

  • How do I amend my poster or add co-author names?

    You can make final changes to your poster submission before the submission deadline. If you need to make a change after this, please contact us.

  • Can I display the International Forum logo on my poster?

    The International Forum does not allow the use of BMJ Group, IHI, or any International Forum affiliated logos, to be displayed on posters at the International Forum.

  • How do I get a letter of invitation to support my visa application?

    If a letter of invitation is required to support your visa please contact us at once you have registered. We are only able to provide invitation letters to individuals who have registered and paid to attend the International Forum. If for any reason your visa application was unsuccessful, we will be able to refund your registration fee in line with our terms and conditions and upon receipt of proof of unsuccessful application.

  • Can I get a Poster Presenter Certificate of Attendance?

    All poster authors will receive a certificate. It will be sent to you via email two weeks after the International Forum.