Heather Gunter

Heather Gunter, Healthcare Consumer; New Zealand

Healthcare Consumer; New Zealand

Heather Gunter is a Registered Nurse with over 30 years’ experience in the Health Sector. She currently works as a District Nurse for the Nelson Marlborough DHB. In the previous 2 years, Heather presented ‘Matt’s Story’ at over 90 Hospitals and Nursing Schools throughout New Zealand with the support of ACC, to help improve the prevention of harm in healthcare. Matt’s Story is a video made in collaboration of the Health Quality and Safety Commission, West Coast DHB and Mobile Health that tells the story of her 15 year old son who tragically died following a simple appendectomy. The story is very moving but it also speaks to the processes that follow and holds some key messages for all Health Care workers and family. This is about learning from an event to prevent future harm.

Heather is also a part of the Perioperative Medicine Steering Committee for the ANZCA and is on the committee for Restorative Practises in healthcare NZ. Her passion is to create better healthcare through communication and collaboration, by learning from the past to create a safer patient journey and better future outcomes for all.