Debbie Van Hoek
Consumer co-presenter and parent; Australia
Debbie Van Hoek is the parent and primary carer of a young person with intellectual disability and chronic and complex medical conditions. Debbie has a BA Dip Ed (UNSW) and is a qualified high school Mathematics teacher. She has taught in the Education Department for 37 years and led the Mathematics Department at Westfield Sports High School. Debbie has not only taught secondary students but also taught extensively in the Primary sector including students with special needs. Debbie’s role within the Education system included supervising and mentoring preservice teachers, external marking of The Higher School Certificate and teaching Gifted and talented students of all ages. Debbie has also assisted in the writing of textbooks for the new Australian Senior Mathematics Curriculum. With Matthew, Debbie is a co-author on: Co-designing patient experience measures for and with children and young people with intellectual disability: A study protocol (submitted for peer review, BMJ Open).