Leigh Kendall

Leigh Kendall, Patient leader, NHS Horizons; England

Patient leader, NHS Horizons; England

Leigh enables people to get involved with positive change: she uses her more than a decade’s NHS communications and engagement experience to seek new, creative and innovative ways of conveying often complex concepts to encourage, empower, and mobilise diverse communities, such as using sketchnotes and social media to bridge networks. She coaches leaders on effective use of social media to build influence, and to spread and scale messages and innovation.

Leigh is an award-winning writer (Tommy’s Mum’s Voice Award, 2016) and a leading patient leader relating to raising awareness of HELLP syndrome, premature babies, and baby loss. In 2015 she was included in the HSJ list of 50 Patient Leaders and in 2017, Leigh was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.