Leanne Wells

Former CEO, Consumers Health Forum of Australia; Australia

Leanne is a health advocate and senior executive with over thirty years’ experience across health and social policy, program, and service development. She is a respected reformer and change agent and has a reputation as an energetic and driven leader and is the former longstanding CEO of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, the nation’s pre-eminent peak body for health consumers. Leanne has been a member of various advisory groups including the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan, 10 Year Preventive Health Strategy, Leadership Group for the Australian Ethical Healthcare Alliance and, Patient Advisory Panel for the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality. She has extensive governance experience serving as a Non-Executive Director on boards in the for-purpose and health sectors. She has held several Ministerial and government advisory appointments to high-level committees and taskforces. Leanne has tertiary qualifications in communications and business.