ePosters FAQ

Find the answer to some frequently asked questions about our eposters.

  • Can my abstract for poster display be written on any topic?

    We have eight topics that you can submit to. You will be asked to choose which topic you are submitting your abstract to during the submission process. 

    Please note that Call for ePosters is now closed and we are no longer accepting submissions.

  • Do I have to pay to display my poster?

    Yes. In order to present your poster in person at the International Forum, you must register and pay the full fee for the two main event days (Tuesday 31 October and Wednesday 1 November). Please note there are no one-day registration options for poster presenters.  To attend online and present your poster virtually, you will be able to register for your online place in June when registration opens.  The deadline for all poster presenters to register and pay to attend the International Forum is Wednesday 6 September 2023. If you do not register and pay by this date we will regretfully assume your circumstances have changed and you no longer wish to present your work.

  • How will my poster be displayed onsite?

    ePoster displays: We will have a number of large screens organised by topic where attendees will be able to access our ePoster platform. The platform is searchable by topic, author, or keywords.  We will also share a link to the platform so that attendees can look at posters on their mobile device, tablet, or desktop computer at their convenience.  Here is a photo of one of our ePoster screens at a previous International Forum.

    healthcare improvement projects posters 2023

  • When will my poster be viewed?

    Attendees in Melbourne will be able to browse all posters on a number of large digital ePoster screens in the venue, from Monday evening through to Wednesday.  Attendees will also be able to access the posters via our ePoster platform online on any device during and up to six months after the conference.

  • What should I do if I am unable to present my poster myself in person?

    If you cannot present your poster in person, consider whether you are able to attend online first. If you are sending a colleague to Melbourne to present your poster instead of you, you must inform us by email at This will ensure that we have a space for the poster display. Please include the full abstract title and the name, email address and organisation for your replacement presenter. Please note that your replacement presenter cannot be already presenting an poster of their own. We have a strict policy of one poster display per presenter.

  • What size/orientation should my poster be? Are there any guidelines I should follow?

    You can take a look at our poster guidelines here.