W3: Workshop 3 – Co-design for Impact: Utilising consumers’ lived experience to improve quality and safety

Monday 30 October | 13:30-15:00

Co-design for Impact: Utilising consumers’ lived experience to improve quality and safety

This highly interactive workshop will demonstrate how to incorporate consumer lived experience and co-design methods into quality improvement initiatives. It will use a case based approached focussing on the experience of three consumers with early diagnosis of breast cancer. Using pre-recorded audio describing their experiences and interactions with the health system, we will demonstrate how to analyse consumer insights which identify friction points and opportunities for improvement. By linking co-design to quality improvement methods including Clinical Practice Improvement and the Model for Improvement, we will demonstrate the power of this approach to improve consumer experience, patient safety and efficiency.


  • Conduct a co-design project for diverse patient cohorts

  • Test the change ideas using traditional quality improvement methods

  • Identify strategies for knowing if change ideas are effective

Bernie Harrison, ACHS Improvement Academy, Australia

Shelley Thomson, Experience 360, Australia