Kate Bones

Director, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); New Zealand

Kate Bones, MSW is Project Director within the Asia-Pacific region of Institute for Healthcare Improvement. In her role, Kate provides support across multiple improvement initiatives within the region to ensure robust application of improvement science that will lead to results. She first joined the IHI in 2000, during which time she was involved in a number of Collaborative programs including the national Health Disparities Collaboratives and a state-wide Collaborative to reduce hospital readmissions. Kate was staff to IHI’s Scientific Advisory Group, helping to launch this advisory function in 2009. In 2013, Kate left the IHI to gain experience applying improvement methods in the sector and has since done so within primary care, hospital-based settings, and mental health services. It was during this period that Kate moved with her family to Aotearoa New Zealand. She has served as teaching faculty with programs offered by Ko Awatea and the Health Quality and Safety Commission within New Zealand and, in 2021, Kate returned to IHI as a member of the Asia-Pacific team. Kate is a social worker by training and spent her early years working with consumers of mental health services.