Freddie Johansson

Frederick Johansson, Consultant Psychiatrist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I); England

Consultant Psychiatrist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I); England

Dr Johansson is a Consultant Psychiatrist working with the Islington Crisis Team, which helps treat people in acute mental health crises and prevent the need for hospital admission.

Dr Johansson studied psychology, medicine and mental health science research, and has worked at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust since 2013, when he was awarded a Darzi fellowship in Clinical Leadership, developing a Home Treatment Team for Older Adults.

He was a Health Foundation GenerationQ Fellow in 2018-2019 and part of a winning Health Foundation Q Exchange proposal to develop resources around the psychological aspect of improvement work.

Dr Johansson is the Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement (QI) in C&I andsince September 2020 he has been the Consultant Lead for Patient Flow in Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.