BR1: Whole system quality leadership (breakfast session hosted by IHI)

Wednesday 22 June 2022 | 08:00-09:00

Format: Workshop
Stream: Building Capability and Leadership

There’s no greater time to put quality back on the agenda. This panel discussion will focus on the development of a framework to help your organisation and Board focus on all aspects of quality. International experts will answer questions and lead a robust discussion about the future of quality leadership.

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Examine three interrelated components — quality planning, quality improvement, and quality control — that inform a more holistic whole system quality approach

  • Describe the curriculum of IHI’s Quality Leaders Development Programme

  • Elaborate activities that health care organisations can undertake to build a foundation for the transition to whole system quality

Amar Shah, East London Foundation Trust; England

Pedro Delgado, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI); Northern Ireland

Dianne Murray, Scottish Government Social Care Team; Scotland