D9: Information driven healthcare – turning data into health for patients and quality of care

Wednesday 22 June 2022 | 11:00-12:30

Format: Workshop
Stream: Building Capability and Leadership

In this workshop you will get insights about how Halmstad University and Region Halland in Sweden have developed a leading European competence node for information driven care. The work has been carried out in close collaboration with strategic partners from the private and public sector. The work includes systematic use of healthcare data safely and responsibly to improve care delivery and patient safety while providing deeper insights into actual resources utilized across patient pathways. Artificial intelligence is applied to complex data to identify patterns and make actionable predictions supporting fact based precision healthcare.

Carolina Samuelsson, Halland Hospital; Sweden

Martin Engström, Region Halland; Sweden

Markus Lingman, Halland Hospital; Sweden

Farzaneh Etminai, Halmstad University; Sweden