Marije Smits

Marije Smits, WKZ Utrecht; Netherlands

WKZ Utrecht; Netherlands

During my entire career I have always been focused on making that what is good, even better. I have been a professional Paralympic athlete attending three paralympic games and winning a silver medal in the world championships in 2011. In my sport, Long jump, it was all about improving technique. My team was always curious: can we do that 1% extra?

As a doctor, I am driven by that same curiosity: can we make healthcare even better? I work in Pediatrics so I am dealing with the most precious phase of life and I get to work with the most inspired colleagues. They do so much good everyday. In one hospital I’ve worked (Antonius ziekenhuis Nieuwegein), we started a project focussing on all that what was going exceptionally well: Learning From Excellence. Inspired by Adrian Plunkett from the PICU in Bristol. Currently I am working in an Academic hospital (WKZ Utrecht) and there we implemented the samen concept. It gives me a lot of joy focussing on the good to make it better and in my session I am telling about our experience as an institute with ‘ learning from excellence’.