Jacqueline Emkes

My husband and I live in Bedford. We had previously lived in South London whilst working as Chartered Accountants. Once our four children were at school, I became a secondary maths teacher.
Since 2009 I have had various urological procedures for complex bladder dysfunction including: boari flap, nephrectomy, colposuspension and autologous rectus fascial colposacropexy. In addition I have had stents, nephrostomies and indwelling, uprapubic and disposable catheters too. Infections have been complicated by resistant bacteria and allergic reactions to some antibiotics. The infections have caused rapid spinal degeneration. This has meant a spinal fusion in 2011, spinal injections and a spinal implant have been necessary to try to cope.
I made the difficult decision to retire from teaching due to ill health. Now I try to raise awareness of bladder problems. Of course this is a subject that people do not like to discuss, I wish I could break down the taboos. Patients sometimes feel treatments are delivered to us rather than with us. Patients working with researchers and clinicians makes a massive difference to outcomes.