D4: Modern outpatient care: redesigning planned speciality care for people and populations

Friday 12 Apr | 11:00-12:15

Format: Workshop
Stream: People
Content filters: Co-presented with patients, service users or carers; Recommended for those new to quality improvement; Recommended for those working at system level in QI

Outpatient care in the NHS commonly follows the same model that was created in the 17th century. What do 21st century patients and clinicians need to deliver effective, patient centred, planned specialist care.
The Royal College of Physicians and NHS England with the Patients Association are co-designing a 5-10 year strategy for Modern Outpatient Care. From this programme we will explore with participants the constraints of the current care system, the needs of people and populations, and the opportunities for change.

What is the role of digital technology, care navigation, direct patient access, group consultation? What skills do clinicians, patients and support staff need. How can these be developed?

As a result of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the variation of current care delivery for planned specialist care

  • Explore what patients need to navigate the system of care and how this could be supported

  • Share examples of innovative practice for service and training that could be adapted and spread

  • Propose measures to use to evaluate planned specialist care

John Dean Royal College of Physicians, England

Theresa Barnes Royal College of Physicians, England

Rachel Power The Patients Association