D6: Improving access to care through digital

Friday 12 Apr | 11:00-12:15

Format: Presentation
Stream: Population
Content filters: n/a

PART 1: Get closer to patients to transform care delivery, the Danish eHospital

Change is happening in the Danish health care system. A government appointed structural commission examines how we can create ‘a health care system that is cohesive across all clinical areas and geographical locations’.

The commission has looked at the eHospital, Denmark’s first digital hospital, for inspiration.

The eHospital helps undo ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ of patients going back and forth between their local primary care physician, hospitals managed by the region, and housing for older adults or rehabilitation facilities run by the local authorities.

The eHospital, working across sectors in a new way, uses virtual solutions to help and treat patients in the comfort of their own home.

As a result of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Work together across sectors

  • Bring care closer to those who need it

  • Provide what fits people’s lives and not just the health care system

  • Deliver health care in a new way

Trine Holgersen Primary & eHealth Care, Region Zealand, Denmark

PART 2: Improving access to services across Scotland. Remote groups via video are go!

In person groups all but ceased during the pandemic. Patients and clinicians sought an innovative solution which could simply and safely meet their requirements, address backlogs, tackle waiting lists and create new ways of working.

Near Me video groups was co-designed and co-produced using QI methodology as part of a Scotland-wide collaborative. Change has been sustained, scaled up and spread to other specialities, with positive impact demonstrated. This new and fresh way of delivering healthcare supports choice and accessibility for people plus provides a different option for clinicians that challenges established “in-person” practices. This session describes this journey and its transferability to other sectors to impact wider population health.

As a result of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate how partnership and collaboration are key to success

  • Understand how QI methodology can be applied to large scale national projects

  • Consider how a digital tool like Near Me Groups can be used to support large scale health improvements.

Marc Beswick Scottish Government, Scotland