Hesham Abdalla

Hesham-Abdalla Oxford University Hospitals

Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust, England

Hesham is a consultant paediatrician and head of quality improvement at Oxford University Hospitals. He has over 20 years’ experience of service improvement seen through the twin lenses of patient and staff experience and has led teams to several Patient Experience National Network and HSJ awards.

He teaches extensively on leadership is an associate professor at the University of Birmingham, teaching on the NHS Leadership Academy Masters programme for senior leaders. He was a trustee of Doctors Worldwide, a charity delivering quality medical care and relief in over 22 countries across the globe and for the Point of Care Foundation in its mission to humanise healthcare. He has also served on the advisory board of the Q Community at the Health Foundation.

Hesham co-founded Hexitime, the first time-banking platform for the improvement of Health and Care, which has been nominated and won a number of regional and national awards for innovation and sustainability.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heshamabdalla/